About Us

Hello we are 3 young students Viran, Marwa and Matthew all studying Media studies and we have made this blog to take you on a journey of how we are going to make a music video for our coursework.Throughout this academic year we will be updating and constantly adding new post during our journey to the final product of a music video

Monday, 11 April 2011

Viran's Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? for this course we had to make a music video my chosen genre in music was Hip-Hop, typically in this music genre we see and hear sexual lyrics and images e.g. people dancing in a provocative way also we also see the artist sing directly to the audience, for my music video I have use the convention of having the artist singing directly to the audience but   I have challenged the typical story of a sexual nature to have just a short back story of a killing and less clips of a male lead trying to impress a female lead. Another convention we did develop was the way in which the characters in the music video were dressed, the female characters in a Hip-Hop video usually dress in a provocative way i.e. short dresses and tops but in my video I have used skinny jeans and high heels, I choose to do it like this as firstly it was seen by other students in a survey that skinny jeans and leggings are seen as being sexy just to top it off we added 5 inch heels as well.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
The main product which is the music video is supported by the CD covers and the advertisement,, throuout the making of the product we have been taking location shots and still images so we could product a primary advertisement with the advertisement we have used the same image for the music video this makes the advertisement more effective as the product and the other additional products are all related. we have used images of a class mate who is portraying the role of plan b as the main focus on the advertisement and cd covers back and from this draws the audience in as it is assonated with the music video.

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
For the audience feedback we did a questionnaire which was targeted to all ages, asking then about what aspects of music video they like. One of the questions were what makes a good music video and there were many answers like special effects, band/artists singing to audience, storyline/narrative. For the music video we as a group considered putting most of these things in like a artist plan b sing-along with the song and a storyline of Suzanne near a canals with the Camden ripper and also a video editing effect of a CCTV image over the actual video. So from the audience feedback I have learnt that as young video producers we should consider the target audience views to make a successful and likable music video.

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
In our music video production we used many types of media technologies to help produce this music video, for the editing we used apple Mac’s Imovie.Once we had filmed the majority of the music video on the cannon fs200 HD camcorder we started editing stating off by importing the videos we recorded.Throug the process of importing we had difficulties importing to we had to convert the mov file into a avi file. During the course we have been using a blog to post our coursework the other members in my group have had difficulties posting work on the blog. during editing we also used a green screen for the news report studio this was because we did not have a suitable location for the news report so we had to make it virtually.


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