About Us

Hello we are 3 young students Viran, Marwa and Matthew all studying Media studies and we have made this blog to take you on a journey of how we are going to make a music video for our coursework.Throughout this academic year we will be updating and constantly adding new post during our journey to the final product of a music video

Sunday 27 February 2011

Music Video single's shortlist- Bashy

Bashy is a British recording artist and actor. He rose to fame in 2007 after the release of his controversial track "Black Boys”. He has won two awards in music at the Urban Music Award for Most Inspirational Artist and Screen Nation Award for Best Music Performance in Film/TV. Also he stared in Noel Clarke’s 2010 movie

Bashy-How to pick a wifey(click paly to hear song)

Bashy – How To Pick A Wifey

How would you interpret the lyrics
The lyrics in this song are all in relation as to how females behave. In this song the artist ‘Bashy’ speaks about the reasons as to why he doesn’t take females seriously in terms of relationships. He does this by explaining the different situations he has encountered in relationships in the past such as finding out that his girlfriend has brought back other men to their house and seeing promiscuous text messages in his partners phone. Bashy goes on to explain how men should find their ‘wifey’, he says before you take a relationship seriously you must find out how many guys they have slept with and who she used to hang around with as this should give you an accurate indication as to how they are. On the whole the lyrics are aimed at single males considering entering a relationship, there is no positive lyrical content about females or directly negative lyrics however the context of the song will make the audience question female activity. The lyrics are almost warning males of the heartbreak females possess and the honesty issues which are likely to come in a relationship.

How would you interpret the music?
The instrumental that this song has is slow with a female singing a repetitive vocal the whole way through. If the audience was to listen to this on its own without the artists lyrics it would be understandable if they perceived the actual song to be love or romance based, this is because the instrumental gives of a calm and relaxed feeling to whoever is listening. However with the lyrics to song along with the instrumental gives off a different feeling one of which relates to love in the form of bad relationships. I believe if the lyrics were put on a different instrumental maybe a deeper one the song would have a more aggressive feel however as it doesn’t the audience can sympathise with the lyrics much easier.

What original ideas would you bring to the music video?
As there is no original music video the video I will make to accompany the song will include ideas that have not been used before. My music video will be carried through ensuring most of the visuals are artist based as I believe this enables the audience to sympathise with the artist far more easily. This is because the artist will be expressing the deeper meaning to his lyrics


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